Friday, August 20, 2010



Real Jobs, Real clean energy, Healthy food, Safe biodegrible products = legalizing USA Industrial Hemp. Why won't the Democrats support it? Money from Big Oil/petro-chemicals, paper companies, Big Drug companies, etc...

Unfortunately both Dems and Reps are bought and paid for by corporations. The other unfortunate thing is 3rd party candidates don't do well in this state. So, the alternative is to find a Gubenatorial cnadidate willing to stick his neck out to change the law that would allow growing of industrial hemp. The first step would be to contact all 3 major candidates and see their position on it. I am guessing Mark Neumann would be the most likely as he is a business man and is giving ideas outside the box. The next step is finding candidates both Dem and Rep that would support a Governor willing to take on the Federal government.
We could be a progressive state once again but we need bipartisan support for this to happen.
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