Friday, August 22, 2008




They Are Watching
From Inside You and Your Children (or want to very soon)
On SpyChips (Radio Frequency Information Devices - RFID)

By Michael Mendizza

Plans have been cooking for many years to monitor the movement,
consumer habits and behavior of every man, woman, child, pet and
livestock in the United States and eventually in the world. The
technology that makes this possible is spy-chips or Radio Frequency
Information Devices (RFID). Millions have been inserted in passports
and hundreds of products, eventually in the cash you use to
purchase, well, just about anything.

Imagine an interactive barcode inserted under your skin, sometimes in places that
cannot be removed, which transmits information to strategically placed receivers in
every neighborhood in the country and this information being monitored, analyzed by
corporate-government on a daily basis, including what kind of underwear, toothpaste,
banking information and just about everything else that you or your children do.

Fear is the classic tool of social manipulation and control. We demonize the other so we
can invade, conquer and take control of people and resources. The King and Queen of
Spain along with the Pope, governments conspiring with ideology (sound familiar), gave
us the Inquisition. Fear was used to demonize Jews and then women, to divide,
conquer, confiscate personal property, to control entire populations for several hundred
years through public displays of unmanageable human brutality. Fear equals control.
The general fear level of our society is growing. What is the level today? Light Orange?

The revolutionary war, the authoring of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the very
foundation of America, was a massive and united movement to preserve individual
freedom and liberty. How afraid do you think Jefferson and the other signatories of the
Declaration of Independence were? How do you think they would feel if the King had

Fear is being used today to justify inserting tiny radio transmitters
(RFID SpyChips) in shoes, books, clothing, cars, lipstick, shaving
cream, just about everything we use including the skin of animals,
our children and – that’s right - you and me, thus creating a radically
new vision of liberty, individual freedom and personal rights.

As a child I roamed the neighborhood freely until dark. Today parents are so fear-
conditioned that they willingly allow microchips to be inserted in their children – tiny
GPS tracking devices, just in case their little darling is lost, kidnapped or abducted by
aliens - just in case they cut their compulsory-government-regulated classes or buy a
Playboy or Harry Potter book that has been branded satanic by the King and Queen.
Clearly we are all watching too much TV.

After all, governments are there to serve the people. Aren’t they? Isn’t that why the
King, Queen and Pope hired their secret police, the Dominicans, to hunt down witches
and Jews, so they wouldn’t eat little children (which is, in fact, one of the prevalent
claims made of the accused)?

Today and expanding exponentially into the future the hunt will be ever so much easier
with Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) purchased using billions of tax
dollars so that corporate-government and its many forms of mercenaries (public and
privately paid police) can do their job.

If parents were bonded, awake, attentive, if they had established a relationship of basic
trust and respect with their child before conception, during pregnancy and every day
thereafter, they would not be crippled by fear – and be so easily convinced that they
need Big Brother (now turning a profit from its social engineering and control schemes),
to watch out for their children.

I feel a lot better knowing that they will be watching everything I do
from the inside out. Gee – they even have SpyChips that can zap
me, even paralyze me for doing something that isn’t approved –
from a satellite any place in the world. Isn’t it great that you and I
will be paying what’s left of our taxable income to purchase millionsof little VeriChips that will be inserted into us – beeping out thesignals – day in and day out – allowing anyone with the receiving
technology to monitor every move we and our children make – forever.

I feel better already. Don’t you?

For more on this:

Google: RFID Children School

Google: SpyChips - read the book by Katherine Albrecht

Stay informed. They are.

Michael Mendizza

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