Sunday, April 01, 2007


VOTE: Beware April Fools

William G. Andrekopoulos has been the superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools since August 2002. His 27 years as an educator, has included work at the high school and middle school levels first encountered him as Principal of Fritsche Middle School. As Frische principal, his rhetoric was that of a marketing and Public Relations professional , rather than a visionary and revolutionary agent of schange, improvement, rethinking or reform. To be sure he was saddled with a highly contentious and dysfunctional Board. But as a Principal He did have the power to redesign his one school and work for continuous improvement, innovation and accomplishment.

Unfortunately he failed substantially. Worse, he masked his failures and problems with claims that were untrue and technological terminology that, if one paid attention, proved that he was apparently ignorant on how to actually use educational technologies to enable students, parents and the entire school to move forward, toward meaningful quality excellence and education for all students. His same Public Relations, Techno hype and vaulting ambition got him out of the middle school and into the role Superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools. Above all Mr. Andrekopoulos is a salesman. And the products he sell do not improve education in Milwaukee.

Mr. Andrekopoulos found some like-minded cronies on the School Board. Using cliches and catch phrases such as achievement, quality teaching, learning, children come first, parents are valuable partners, student achievement, the classroom is the most important place in the district, community partnerships add value, and leadership and accountability are keys to success. He built a marketing approach to replace an educational plan. The result has been teachers forced to teach for testing rather learning and achievement. Amplified fractionization within the already damaged system. A falling attendance and graduation rate. Expensive but dysfunctional schools and school security. Actual meaningful progress has been impossible with Andrekopolis, the Board, the teachers, the support staff, parents, students and the community never able to agree on the very purpose and intention of a public school system , now in the early 21st Century of America.

Mr. Andrekopoulos intrinsically lacks the ability to discover how to do the right thing. The best he has are predigested notions, and thinks that he brings answers., before anyone asks the question. He has never provided one example of a discovery process that will open to all ideas from all stake-holders, discuss them and then facilitate fashioning objectives and goals that would result in a unity of intention for MPS. The result is a combat war zone, with good ideas never proposed, considered or tried. And Milwaukee is left with a bad school system getting worse.

The fact that several elected school board members advance personal agendas that are transparent designs to destroy public education and replace it with forms of private corporatist and/or religious education. The fact that these private forms, some of then operated for profit by corporations, have already proved to be hideously failed endeavors, while others masked as charter schools have demonstrated that they are expensive forms of organized crime that exploit students, parents and teacher. Oversight is non existent at the City level, and it is not until the State steps in that the criminal activity comes to light. by then the money is gone and the students have been abandoned

The elected state representatives that opened the flood gates to destroy Milwaukee Public Schools used low income families as a distraction to move taxpayer funds from public school support to private schools, heretofore banned from state funding due to religious/cult association, discrimination against certain kinds of students and lack of fiscal and/or education accountability. Into this hideous mess come the candidates for the school board.

Bruce Thompson knows the marketing buzz words to use. He was elected to the Board once before. All that he brought to the process was the money. Out side the community cash carried Thompson, who was bounced from the Board one before. He is the puppet of the Big Monied Choice Mob of morons:Howard Fuller and George and Susan Mitchell. Fuller and the Mitchells should be locked in stocks in Cathedral square for their crimes against the people and once their sentence is served they should be banished from ever being in or near Milwaukee for any reason. Short of doing penance for their high crimes, misdemeanors and sins, they are sociopathic examples of the worst of the Education debate. Thompson is one of their Judas Goats, and not a very bright one to boot. Of course the Journal Communication Corporation embraces him. When he loses her he will probably be assigned by his wealthy media masters to try to destroy education in Arkansas and Florida.

Joey Dannecker also already served on the Board. He displayed a notable talent for violating the open meetings law and working behind the scenes, making deals and plans without bothering to include the public in the know. As Board VP he was sort of like Federal VP, Cheney, running interference for his President, lying, strategizing, spreading disinformation. People For the American Way Foundation caught his crimes and he was busted. Joey also takes money from the three Choice Mob of morons: Howard Fuller and George and Susan Mitchell. Joey is a big choice/voucher opportunist, because he knows that he must serve the money rather than the schools if he is going to get ahead. During his rerun for the Board Joey seems a bit confused as to what area of the City he is to represent, claiming contact with schools outside of Bay View and ignoring some within Bay View. It can be rough when you are in realty a hired hit man, taking directions from the Choice/Voucher Mob bosses.

It is curious that the Journal Sentinel endorse Joey even though hr refuse to answer their questionnaire. May be it’s BEACAUSE he didn’t fill out the questionnaire that allows them to characterize his crimes and lies as “reform”. BTW, TRUTH -IN-BLOGGING: Journal communications who publish the Journal Sentinel as well as this Bay View Now, are charter members of the Choice/Voucher Mob.

This Criminal Mob gas given Milwaukee higher taxes, wasted taxes, stolen tax money, unsafe schools, high drop out rates, low graduation rates, NO LEADERSHIP, NO VISION, NO IDEAS, CORPORATISM OVER DEMOCRACY.

Fortunately there is a choice. Two experienced, truthful, honest, community, grassroots candidates are running .
Terry Falk, an actual career educator and activist and grassroots community leader and our neighbor.
Bama Brown-Grice
, a parent advocate, coalition builder, Grant getter for school, grassroots leader.




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