Friday, June 09, 2006


On the Al Zarqawi Assassination

Personally, I wish the local and national media and our government spokespeople gave some focus, pictures, screen time and info about the pregnant woman, the children and the other people who were assassinated in our name. Their names, backgrounds, pictures when they were alive, etc.

I cannot say that I am very impressed by the strategy, power and military ability when it takes thousands of troops, two multimillion dollar warplanes and two 500 pound bombs to stop a guy who was basically a murderous street criminal, kidnapper and gang leader most of his life.

Plus the indications are that bin Laden (where is HE anyway) and the higher-ups in the Iraq insurgency, and Al Qaeda found Al Zarqawi to be troublesome, a loose cannon and an embarrassment, and that setting it up for him to become a Martyr to the Cause was a smart/save face way to take him out of the picture. Look for renewed calls from Iraq insurgency/Al Qaeda branch for the a new leader who is actually from Iraq (Al Zarqawi was a carpet bagger from Jordan).

And wouldn't Al Zarqawi been worth much more to the anti terrorist effort to be taken alive, questioned, interrogated and eventually charged and tried?

So now our tax money/ war injured and killed go to playing the role of the expensive "hit man" for the very terrorists who want us all dead.
Would have been much cheaper to have Al Zarqawi go quail hunting with Dick.

What a farce. Another very sad, hideous farce.


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